Image of the Detroit fire
The Building Detroit curriculum focuses on the geographic, economic, historic, and cultural events in Detroit from 1600 to 1901. Arranged chronologically, the materials highlight the history of Native Americans, military occupation, fur trading, economic and population growth, industrialization, and the Underground Railroad. The curriculum contains six sections that coincide with the key sections of the Detroit Historical Museum's Frontiers to Factories exhibition and the Building Detroit online game.

Each section includes three lesson plans that meet Grade Level Content Expectations in social studies and English language arts for grade three. The lessons are intended to be modified to fit individual classroom needs and objectives.
Lesson 1: Comparing Detroit Then and Now
Lesson 2: Anishinabeg Culture
Lesson 3: Anishinabeg Oral Tradition
Lesson 1: Profiles of Influential Detroiters
Lesson 2: The Great Fire of 1805
Lesson 3: You Be the Judge: The Surrender of

Lesson 1: The Ribbon Farms in Early Detroit
Lesson 2: The French Fur Trade
Lesson 3: Habitants and Voyagers
Lesson 1: Detroit Becomes a City
Lesson 2: Exploring Ethnic Detroit
Lesson 3: Detroit and the Underground Railroad

Lesson 1: Pontiac's Rebellion
Lesson 2: Life in British Detroit
Lesson 3: Detroit and the American Revolution
Lesson 1: Industrial Detroit: From Ore to Object
Lesson 2: Taking it to the Streets
Lesson 3: The Detroit Flag and Seal